Introducing Cameron Highlands

Discover a touch of old-world grandeur amid the Cameron Highlands. The landscape is carpeted with tea plants and peppered with colonial mansion houses. You could follow the paths that wind through fragrant tea bushes. Enjoy a luxury picnic on a plateau, overlooking the old plantation. Or indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment in your hilltop retreat with its fresh air and spectacular views.

Things to do

On the road to Tapah, you’ll find Lata Iskander waterfall. Climb the steps beside the waterfall for a dizzying view. If you’re brave, get a little closer for a bracing shower. Or, for something a little calmer, the nearby strawberry, butterfly and honey bee farms are well worth a visit.

The Cameron Highlands is the home of the Orang Asli tribe. Get a flavour for their ancient customs and intriguing lifestyle by arranging a private, guided visit to a forest village. See inside their bamboo huts, thatched with palm leaves. Listen to the distinctive music of the blowpipe. And learn about the herbs and plants used as traditional medicines.

Don’t miss the Sam Poh Temple on a hillside near Brinchang – said to be the 4th largest Buddhist temple in Malaysia. Inside it is a sanctuary of calm and tranquillity with incense-laden air – as well as an immense statue of Buddha. Remember to remove your shoes before entering.

Top Tip from SLH

On a visit to a tea plantation, be sure to sample their signature tea blend. You’ll often find it comes with cake or scones.