Explore coral reefs, waterfalls and a jungle-drenched landscape on Fiji’s Taveuni Island

A true melting pot of breath-taking spots, a trip to Taveuni is a nature and adventure lover’s paradise. Known lovingly as the ‘Garden Isle’, its waterfall-laden forests and colourful coral reefs create the perfect balance between relaxation and adventure. You’ll quickly feel at home on the island thanks to the ‘bulla’ greeting you’ll hear from the locals as you cross paths. To reach all the best parts of the island explore on foot - and keep your flippers close by. 

Things To Do

There’s jaw-dropping natural beauty wherever you look on pristine Taveuni. To see its breath-taking coral reefs, the Somosomo Strait is a must visit spot. When the waves change direction the reef blooms and the extravagant corals dance in the water. There’s also the renowned Bouma National Heritage Park – it’s hard to miss as it takes up a third of the island. Be sure to make the walk to Bouma falls – one of the most iconic in Fiji. And once you’ve worked up a sweat, kick back, relax and cool off in one of the natural pools at the bottom of the fall.

Taveuni Island is known for its world-class diving. Whether you’re a newbie or seasoned diver, the Great White Wall is a must-visit spot. As you dive beneath the waves, prepare to be mesmerised by the dramatic wall of blooming white dendronephthya – the picture-perfect backdrop to colourful sponges and crinoids. And if you’re travelling with little ones, Waitavala shouldn’t be missed. Hours of fun can be spent following the lead of the local village children leaping down this cascading natural rock slope. 

This epic island landscape is home to an array of wildlife. Winding through the jungle, it won’t be long before the bright colours of the orange dove or maroon shining parrot catch your eye – their song the perfect accompaniment to any hike. And when you head into the water, be on the lookout for mantra rays and leopard sharks – you’ll catch them winding through the vibrant reefs. Above the waves, try and catch a glimpse of dolphins and humpback whales from the comfort of a boat. 

Top Tip from SLH

Immerse yourself into local traditions on Taveuni at a village night, where you can try authentic Fijian food and watch a traditional meke dance.