Introducing Düsseldorf

Düsseldorf is a city of two perfectly-balanced halves. The capital of North-Rhine Westphalia mixes old-world history with contemporary culture and cutting-edge architecture. Punching above its weight when it comes to art, with an impressive collection of world-class museums, it’s also got a picturesque old town, lively beer and food culture, and beautiful river views. 

Things To Do

You can’t miss Paul Klee and other contemporary artists at K21 Ständehaus or K20 Grabbeplatz, or Gehry’s surreal buildings in the MedienHafen. But Düsseldorf isn’t all big names and skylines. Exploring the city on foot will reveal vibrant street art and public pieces to rival its many galleries and museums – like the Kuhna-Mauer mosaic in Burgplatz. While a trip on the Wehrhahn Line shows a refreshingly colourful take on the underground. 

Get ready to spend the day on your feet – and flexing your credit card. Düsseldorf is famous for its shopping streets, including the upmarket Königsallee and the Schadowstrasse. If you’d rather swap glamour for laidback browsing, head to the markets P1 or Radschlägermarkt, where you can pick up everything from vintage clothes to restored furniture. The Rhine’s wide-open promenade is there for showing off your buys – or just a spot of people watching after a day of hitting the shops.

Düsseldorf’s charming Altstadt (Old Town) isn’t just ideal for after-dinner strolls. It’s also home to over 260 bars and pubs, aka “the longest bar in the world.” Stand with the locals outside a traditional brewery sipping an Altbier – or explore the area’s lively music scene. If you need something to soak up all the hops, this part of town also has plenty of cafés and bistros, as well as world-class Japanese food in Little Tokyo. 


Top Tip from SLH

Carlsplatz is the place to pick up foodie souvenirs to take home, like a jar of famous Düsseldorf mustard.